Noutati ETS2

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  1. myhay93

    Global Moderator
    Targu Carbunesti

    QUOTE (urugastri @ 16/4/2013, 13:34) 
    Mai bine ar pune accentul pe motorul grafic al jocului ca si asa e cam nerealist prea multa culoare nu e stabil ruleaza in fram-uri uneori! nu e bine optimizat deloc.....iar editorul lasa de dorit e si limitat de altfel! asta daca nu cumva e un editor facut de ei!? ca original nu este sub nici-un chip!
    Practic ETS2 este un joc neterminat. Au creat o harta a Europei ....dar numai cu tarile importante.....restul nu au voie! decat cu plata! parca suna a rasism din partea lor asa sunt nordicii din fire! probabil si azi.
    si mai au pretentia sa le cumperi jocul!? tara noastra daca nu este inclusa pt ce sa cumpar asa ceva! il cumpere acele natinuni care sunt incluse in harta!nu este asta o discriminare chiar si virtual? au ajuns sa o faca si in jocuri........!?
    asa ca noutatile astea care vin din partea lor nu ma ajuta cu nimic! nici pe mine nici pe voi! sa includa Romania si asta va fi o noutate! oare o va face?

    Ai dreptate, nu are rost sa platesc atata timp cat romania nu este inclusa, cand au facut conceptul EURO Truck Simulator, ar fi trebuit sa se gandeasca la toate tarile din europa pentru ca de aia se numeste EURO Truck Simulator.. dar ei au facut doar o parte.. ma rog, sper ca in viitor sa adauge si Romania :) pana atunci sa se joace altii ca eu raman la GTS/ATS :)): imi place mai mult grafica mai ales antialiasing-ul care la ETS2 lasa de dorit :)

    New trucks coming to ETS2
    We have several new truck models under construction for Euro Truck Simulator 2. Today we'd like to show you a glimpse of another really cool looking model!

    SPOILER (click to view)

    New trucks and lots more content will be gradually released in upcoming free patches of the game (though we also plan paid add-ons eventually). We understand that we are pushing your patience with game updates not appearing as quickly as you would like, but rest assured that we are working really hard on overhauling and improving major features of the game and the game engine to make things better. These are major changes, and they take time to implement, but they are necessary for us to be able to evolve the game features and technology properly. We need to lift internal memory constraints, improve our map construction and asset creation pipeline,we need to make the engine run smoother, and last but not least, we need to see how to make the game even more engaging. We are in this for the long run, ETS2 is still getting a lot of our love, and its continued evolution features highly in our plans for world domination ;-). Please have patience with us!
16 replies since 23/3/2013, 14:17   714 views